SYMPOSIUM DATES: 20-21 / In person & Virtual Participation


Abstract submission deadline /// 10 May 2022

Program announcement /// 15 May 2022

Symposium sessions ///20-21 May 2022

Full text submission deadline ///30 May 2022

Proceeding book publication date /// 15 May 2022

War has been a constant aspect of human eras since ancient times. In fact, the idea of conflict as a means of achieving useful results has always been present in the history of evolution. Even if after the end of the Second World War when a new peaceful approach towards dispute resolution has been promoted by the most powerful nations in the world, tensions have become risen again in the last few decades, particularly in some territories of the world.

Since the outbreak of the Yugoslaw Wars and the end of the First Gulf War to name but a few, it is necessary to examine the themes and approaches studied in the field of War Studies and to offer a contribution towards a careful analysis of future scenarios.

We invite academics from different backgrounds, including but not limited to history, philosophy, law, politics, sociology, literature, religion, economics, art, geography, anthropology, psychology, war industry, military science and cyberscience.

Fields of study / scope of the symposium

Proposals should be related, but not limited, to:

  • history of war;
  • philosophy of war;
  • legal regulation of war;
  • war policies;
  • sociology of war;
  • war literature;
  • war and cinema;
  • war and religion;
  • commercial wars;
  • representation of war in the Arts;
  • geography of war;
  • terror wars;
  • civil wars;
  • war and anthropology;
  • war and psychology;
  • war industry;
  • military science;
  • cyberwars;
  • genocides

Symposium Fee & Registration for participants of foreign countries

– Participation fee is 30 USD

– the payment link will be shared here on 10th May 2022

– There is no lunch or promotional items in our symposium concept.
– The participation fee must be deposited until 12 May 2022 at the latest and the receipt must be sent to the symposium secretariat via email.


You can present two papers
Publication of the abstract and full texts in the proceedings book (with ISBN)
Separate participation certificates for all authors (PDF document for online presentations)
Article publication support in International Journals
International book chapter support

Abstract Submission

You must apply to the symposium by sending a summary. The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 2 days. The author is informed without delay as to the result of the evaluation. Your abstracts must be in the 200-300 word range. You must send your abstracts in word / doc format to akademikkongre@gmail.com by May 10, 2022 at the latest.

CLICK for summary template

Full Text Submission
There is no full text requirement in our symposium. If you want to publish your full texts in the proceedings book, you must send your FULL TEXTS to akademikkongre@gmail.com address by 30 May 2022 at the latest after your abstract is accepted.​


Since the symposium has an INTERNATIONAL nature, it is mandatory to send an abstract in English.
Full Text Writing Rules
– Times New Roman, 12 pt. (Manuscript title, author names, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and keywords should all be in 12 pt.

For parts such as graphics, tables
the font size of the author can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
– Give the line spacing 1.25
– Do not indent at the beginning of the paragraph from the left.
– MAIN titles should be written in CAPITAL letters and bold
– Citation and Bibliography should be arranged in APA style.
– Your full texts must be at least 5 pages.
parts of it should be shown under separate headings.

​You can send all your questions about the symposium to the secretariat akademikkongre@gmail.com, our symposium coordinators will answer them during the day.


Assoc. Prof. Güray ALPAR

Director of the Strategic Thinking Institute

Symposium Honorary Chairman

Prof. Dr. Tevfik Erdem -Hacı bayram  Veli University

Prof. Dr. Akbar VALADBIGI -Elmi Korbordi University

Assoc. Prof.  Mehmet Güneş-Ufuk University

Andre NIKWIGIZE- UN Washington Office
Dr. Gökberk Durmaz-Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University

Seda HADZIBULIC – Northeastern Illinois University


Prof. Dr. Mustafa TALAS-Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Prof. Dr. A. Beril TUĞRUL-İstanbul Teknichal University, Nuclear Energy Institute

Doç. Dr. Stefan SEREZLIEV-College of Theatre “Lyuben Grois”

Prof. Dr. Ramazan GAFARLI- AMEA

Prof. Dr. Gülizar IBRAHIMOVA- Bakü Eurasian University, Provost

Prof. Dr. Veysel BOZKURT- İstanbul University

Prof. Dr. Vagif ABİSHOV-Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

Prof. Dr. Sedat CERECİ- Mustafa Kemal University

Assoc. Prof. Joanna STUDZIŃSKA-Kozminski University, Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Akram Mohammed Yahya-University of Mosul, Iraq

Dr. Renu Susan SAMUEL – St. Peter’s College

Dr. Alan LIBERT- Newcastle University

Assist. Prof.Dr. Shagufta Sufee-University of Delhi, India

Dr. Orhun Burak SÖZEN- Gaziantep University

Dr. Germán Martínez Prats-Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Dr.  Abbas KARAĞAÇLI- Giresun University

Assoc.Prof. Elnur Kelbizadeh-Institute of Caucasus Studies of ANAS, The head of the Caucasus policy

Dr. Gabriela Boangiu-the Romanian Academy

Dr. Osman Vedüd EŞİDİR-Fırat University

Assoc. Prof. Adem KARA-Abant İzzet Baysal University

Dr. Ragif HUSEYNOV- Tomori Pal College, Hungary

Dr. Nina Kitoshvili- University of Georgia